Veterans Memorial
Green Space
On August 20, 2017, residents and family members gathered in Milligan to dedicate a monument that recognizes and remembers all veterans who have served in the military and who shaped our country and our community. This monument and space has been named Milligan’s Veterans Memorial Green Space.
This project includes a Vetrans’ Memorial monument, a gazebo area with two benches, landscaping, sidewalks, and a permanent home for the Milligan School bell dated 1913. Greg Holdren of Friend painted a mural of the American Flag with the background of the scenery of Milligan and the three bombers that crashed on the Matejka farm on October 25, 1943.
The committee appreciates all the donations and support from the community.

The Milligan American Legion Auxiliary Unit 240 , Department of Nebraska is part of the largest patriotic Veterans organization in the nation. The organization will be 100 years old in 2019.
In the spirit of Service Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace, and security.
The local Units, sponsors scholarships for College and Cornhusker Girls State, they help with the local programs at Veterans day and Memorial Day, along with holding Blood Drives, Teachers Breakfast, Veterans Christmas Coffee, Help serve Funerals are a few items among the long list of items they do and support.
President - Karen White
1st Vice President - Adrienne Capek
2nd Vice President - Shirley Zoubek
Secretary - Vicky Thompson
Treasurer - Diane Jansky
Junior Auxiliary
Juniors are Legion Auxiliary members that are Under Age 18.
ALA Junior members volunteer with other girls in their age group in many engaging activities.
Learning about patriotism and how to show Learning about patriotism and how to show respect for the American flag.
Helping military families in practical ways such as mowing yards and helping military kids become acclimated at a new school
Distributing poppies and raising awareness, so out veterans know we care about them.
Earning service patches while learning about ALA programs
Demonstrating responsibility for future scholarship, college, or military service
The 2018 Department of Nebraska President Honorary Junior President is Breanna Capek of Milligan.

On February 28, 1920, a group of World War I ex-servicemen met in the Nebraska State Bank building at Milligan to plan the organization of an American Legion post. Temporary officers were elected and Joseph J. Klima was selected to prepare all papers necessary to secure a charter for a Post in Milligan from the Department of Nebraska American Legion at Lincoln. On March 31, 1920, a charter was granted. The post was named HSSK Post No. 240 in memory of four Milligan boys who had lost their lives in France, using the first letters of their family names: James Houska, Edward Slezak, James Svec, and Frank B. Koca. The bodies of two of them, Edward Slezak and Frank B. Koca, were returned to Milligan for burial. The two others, James Houska and James Svec, were buried in France. The first officers of the newly organized post were Joseph Bors, Commander, and Joseph J. Klima, Adjutant. The other charter members were: H.C. Flint, John F. Kotas, Fred Kolar, Edward Chudly, Adolph Kotas, Fred Havel, Albert Shimic, William B. Bartu, Ed Stetina, Joseph Petracek, Alois Petracek, James F. Kassik, John H. Kotas, and James C. Smith.
The post held its meetings in the lodge room of the Joseph Jicha Central Hall on the first Tuesday of each month. The meeting date was later changed to the last Tuesday of each month, a practice still followed.
Work on the American Legion Park started in the Spring of 1927. The land was donated to the Legion by the Milligan School District as a memorial to the boys who lost their lives in France during World War I and to World War I President Woodrow Wilson. The legion members, along with community members helped with material and money. Trees were planted in honor of the deceased servicemen, and a copper box containing pictures, Legion records, and other data was placed in the base of monument.
A new clubhouse was erected in 1936 and from then on the post contributed in every possible way in helping to make the community a better place in which to live.
Information gathered from Fillmore County History Book.